Industry Leaders Choose 4Paradigm

  • 来伊份logo图
  • 百威logo图


  • Multi-channel coverage

    Provide personalized recommendations across multiple channels like apps, websites and WAP to improve user experience.

  • Fast deployment and go-live

    Launch operation activities with a simple click; apply reusable and low-code capabilities to drive rapid business growth in a cost-effective manner.

  • Continuous improvement

    Ensure the business outcomes with our self-developed AutoML technology that outperforms 90% of data scientists in many competition datasets.


  • Personalized recommendation

    Interest-based recommendation, leveraging personalization algorithms to tailor the content to user behaviors and preferences for higher information accessibility; widely used for news feed.

  • Relevant recommendation

    Relevancy based recommendation, supporting weight configuration & relevancy customization; widely used for recommendation of news posts, article, etc.

  • Popular recommendation

    Popularity-based recommendation, supporting hot topic tracking across your website and the internet; widely used for recommendation of top hits, headlines, new hot lists, etc.

  • Rules customization

    Personalized configuration of content library & recommendation rules, allowing you to flexibly adjust post priority, content weight, display time, sticky posts, etc.

Business Scenarios

  • 个性化信息流图标

    Personalized news feed

  • 猜你喜欢图标


  • 内容推荐图标

    Content recommendation

  • 热门排行榜图标

    Top hits

  • 实时热点图标

    Real-time hot topics

  • 人工置顶图标

    Manual post sticking

  • 内容权重设置图标

    Content weight setting

Our Customers