Offer system deployment and functional testing services according to the deployment plan for new customers to ensure effective use of our products.
Explore our implementation services
Product installation
Product upgrade
Extend your computing power and capabilities by upgrading your current version to support your needs for building AI applications.
Data fusion
Enable data access, processing and fusion to support your AI-based scenarios.
System integration
For scenario landing projects, provide system integration services to integrate upstream and downstream systems required for building AI scenarios.
Service Description
Offer system deployment and functional testing services according to the deployment plan for new customers to ensure effective use of our products.
Service Items
Deployment plan design
Installation media delivery
Environment readiness check
Product installation & deployment
Functional verification
Case Study
Service Description
Extend your computing power and capabilities by upgrading your current version to support your needs for building AI applications.
Service Items
Functional verification after upgrade
Upgrade plan design
Upgrade media delivery
Upgrade execution
Case Study
Service Description
Enable data access, processing and fusion to support your AI-based scenarios.
Service Items
Plan design
Engage with your contacts online or offline to learn about your data status, identify data collection plan for standard and non-standard data sources, and determine how to convert data for target interface protocols.
Project development
Develop programs such as data collection, data splicing and data conversion for target interfaces.
Development testing
Conduct unit testing, integration testing and performance testing for developed programs.
Project go-live
Deploy and launch the program package in the production environment and verify the data accuracy.
Case Study
Service Description
For scenario landing projects, provide system integration services to integrate upstream and downstream systems required for building AI scenarios.
Service Items
Plan design
Engage with your contacts online or offline to learn about your data status, and define system interface plan and integration plan.
Project development
Develop internal systems, integration components and integration programs.
Development testing
Conduct unit testing, integration testing and performance testing for developed programs.
Project go-live
Deploy and launch the program package in the production environment and verify the data accuracy.
Case Study
Model exploration
Provide services to help you build AI scenarios with HyperCycle methodology.
AI customization
Provide advanced integration services to integrate with your systems on top of standard AI services.
Model effect analysis
For your existing models, provide exclusive services to analyze the modeling process and results, evaluate the anticipated effect and optimize relevant systems, data or models.
Model tuning
Provide platform-agnostic services to optimize your models and the models built by 4Paradigm.
Service Description
Provide services to help you build AI scenarios with HyperCycle methodology.
Service Items
Plan design
Engage with your contacts online or offline to learn about your data status and scenario demands, and develop scenario modeling plan.
Project development
Conduct scenario data integration, scenario building, learning circle training and launch, integration services, etc.
Development testing
Conduct unit testing, integration testing and performance testing for developed programs.
Project launch
Deploy and launch the program package in the production environment and verify the data accuracy.
Case Study
Service Description
Provide advanced integration services to integrate with your systems on top of standard AI services.
Service Items
Plan design
Engage with your contacts online or offline to learn about your data status and scenario demands, and develop AI customization plan.
Project development
Conduct the development tasks, including but not limited to system integration, SSO, analytics & reporting, data management, scheduled tasks, UI customization, system and business monitoring.
Development testing
Conduct unit testing, integration testing and performance testing for developed programs.
Project launch
Deploy and launch the program package in the production environment and verify the data accuracy.
Case Study
Service Description
For your existing models, provide exclusive services to analyze the modeling process and results, evaluate the anticipated effect and optimize relevant systems, data or models.
Service Items
Demand communication
Engage with your contacts online or offline to confirm your actual demands and project objectives. During the process, you are expected to provide true and accurate information about your business and demands.
Modeling data quality analysis and tuning
Modeling methods evaluation and tuning
Modeling methods analysis and tuning
Plan execution and model analysis report
Deliver model effect analysis reports for review and verification by both parties.
Case Study
Service Description
Provide platform-agnostic services to optimize your models and the models built by 4Paradigm.
Service Items
Demand communication
Engage with your contacts online or offline to confirm your actual demands and project objectives. During the process, you are expected to provide true and accurate information about your business and demands.
Data exploration
Engage with your business and technology personnel online or offline to explore your production data directly or indirectly, in order to get a 360-degree view of your data, environment and technology status. During the exploration, you are expected to provide the necessary tools and connections.
Plan delivery and model verification
Deliver model effect analysis reports for review and verification by both parties.
Model exploration and optimization
Optimize models based on your business needs and data condition. You are expected to supplement necessary information.
Case Study
Release support
Provide release services for your own models, the models built by 4Paradigm, or other models compatible with 4Paradigm platform.
Service Description
Provide release services for your own models, the models built by 4Paradigm, or other models compatible with 4Paradigm platform.
Service Items
System testing
Performance testing
UAT support
Release documentation
Compile documents including testing plans, testing reports, release review documents, release manuals, etc.
Model launch and service release
Knowledge transfer training